Penetration Testing Specializations

0Tolerance Security incorporates industry-leading methodologies into each penetration testing engagement to provide deeper insight with better results.

Application Security

Our application security engagements deeply dive into the many aspects of web security. We have a thoroughly understand the OWASP Top 10 standard awareness documentation for web application security. Let our experts uncover security issues not found by automated vulnerability scanners.

Network Security

0Tolerance delivers robust network security testing based on proven methodologies and covers internal and external network environments. Each vulnerability our team discovers has a detailed description of the issue and a clear path to remediation.

Cloud Security

Even if you are familiar with the cloud, the cloud security assessment is a perfect solution to secure your assets on Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure. Enlist our expert team to assess each angle of your unique cloud environment.

Adversary Simulation

Adversary simulations are engagements that take a different approach to security testing. These engagements are sometimes called red or purple team exercises and are realistic attack scenarios or target-specific assessments. Adversary simulation exercises help build high-level security defenses and identify advanced attack paths.

API Security

While not a new concept, organizations are using APIs more than ever. Our team analyzes each API endpoint to identify misconfiguration issues and security vulnerabilities. Engagements are conducted by certified professionals and guided by industry-approved methodologies and testing guidelines.

Mobile Security

Do you develop an iOS or Android mobile app? 0Tolerance uses automated and manual testing strategies to analyze each mobile application for security weaknesses inside the application and over the network. Mobile application penetration testing helps protect your company’s assets and your client’s information.

Security Is An Investment, Not Just An Expense, When You Hire The Right Ethical Hackers