0Tolerance believes annual penetration testing is fantastic, but a once-a-year testing activity isn’t enough for many organizations. A lot can change in your environment and the security threat landscape in a year.

Our continuous penetration testing (CPT) gives you manual testing coverage throughout the year. This means you can stay on top of changes in your environment and the latest threats leveraged by bad actors. We’ll perform a full reporting methodology for one quarter of the year to help satisfy your annual audit measures or business requirements. The full reporting will meet your client’s expectations, internal audit, and compliance obligations. We’ll post our findings and recommendations throughout the year to the project management portal as we have them. You’ll quickly feel the positive impact of having an ethical hacker as an extension of your team.

How Do We Do It?

0Tolerance orchestrates this ongoing testing by conducting quarterly, ongoing security services against the environment. Each testing quarter follows our standard penetration testing methodology and rigorous testing procedures. If the engagement includes internal systems, 0Tolerance will provide a physical or virtual machine that resides on your network for testing. With new vulnerabilities disclosed daily, it is imperative to stay on top of security issues to prevent malicious actors from breaching your environment. Another benefit of continuous testing is that 0Tolerance will validate remediation efforts from previous quarterly assessments during the next quarter’s engagement. This entire process is a legitimate strategy to cover the gaps of ad-hoc penetration testing.

During the first quarter’s engagement, we’ll take a holistic approach to uncover vulnerabilities and potential exploits across your environment. In later testing throughout the year, we’ll focus on and target testing more, and we’ll look to stay on top of the latest threats and trends in the industry and monitor changes in your environment that could lead to new attack vectors. This PenTester-as-a-service approach is meant to be a force multiplier for your security efforts, enabling you to essentially add a senior ethical hacker to your team at a fraction of the cost of hiring a similar resource full-time

Ongoing Penetration Testing takes your security testing to the next level by having thorough, human-driven testing performed on an ongoing basis by elite ethical hackers.

Quarterly, ongoing pen testing to stay on top of the latest threats
Annual, complete pen testing to satisfy any reporting obligations
Avoid the audit rush, spread remediation throughout the year

Ongoing Security Testing Coverage, Custom Tailored